Epoxy potting compounds generally have better adhesion, high temperature resistance, and chemical resistance. Epoxies also tend to have higher rigidity, modulus, and tensile strength. They also generally have a very good moisture resistance, making them the preferred option for outdoor applications.
Epoxies have an excellent dielectric property making them the prefect solution for potting transformers and switches.
For specific applications, several products have been tested and certified to comply with UL requirements, If the application requires UL compliance
Urethane potting and encapsulating compounds can be formulated to have a wide range of physical properties.
Compared to epoxy systems, for temperature sensitive electronic modules, Polyurethanes have the advantages of curing at lower temperatures, with low exothermal effects during cure.
Most Polyurethanes offer better flexibility and crack resistance with a hardness in the low to mid shore A.
The adhesion of polyurethanes potting to a variety of substrates such as many plastics and composites provide good sealing of the electronic assembly.
The relatively lower cost of these products makes them a good solution for a wider range of electronics applications.
Silicone potting compounds feature a unique combination of flexibility, high and low temperature resistance while maintaining constant mechanical properties over a wide range of temperature.
Silicones are soft and flexible with high elongation, making them suitable for potting sensitive electronics.
Silicone gels are typically used for very sensitive components and allow for easy repairability.